Farewell Letter by Giselle Clarke-Trenaman

After many years of generous service to Nova Dance, Giselle Clark-Trenaman steps down from the nova Dance Boards, and leaves us with these kind and heartfelt words. We will miis you, Giselle, and wish you the best for your future endeavours!


"Hello Everyone,

This may come as a surprise to some, but not to all. I will be stepping down as a Board member for Nova Dance.

When I came on board I was young – younger than I care to admit and I stepped into the role with trepidation – what could I possibly offer this amazing company that I had heard so much about? What could I offer Nova – the driving force behind this modern dance company that shook up the styles of bharatnatyam and infused it with the passion and grace and style of a downtown Toronto woman that held no prisoners? My gift was and is one of listening and recording – my last name is indeed what I do. I am a clerk, a scribe.

The years that I was in Toronto I was able to drive dance floor around from venue to venue, lay it down, strike it and load it back into my car. I was able to attend performances and spread the joy of ND to folx that I knew, letting them know that as a SM, I was able to be on a board of a dance company – a position that was usually reserved for upper middle class white people with deep pockets. I was and am still, an artist, and I gave and give what I can – maybe not so much treasure but talent and time.

As my life changed and I moved to Vancouver I remained on the board – joining by zoom, attending rehearsals when I was in town – basking in the creative glow of the dancers, still spreading the message of ND. I can admit I was truly a disciple of the company. I think that’s one of the things that makes a Board member a good board member – spreading the word and the works of the company we are involved with.

When the pandemic hit, I remained watching the company evolve to a place where we not only honoured our artists in word but in our deeds – keeping them working and paying them, maybe not what they’re worth (for really who can put a price on true talent?) but keeping them gainfully employed during the hardest times of our modern age.

I have been on the Board a long time and it has been truly one of the joys of my life and my career but it’s time for me to step down.

It would be easy for me to remain on the board of ND and continue in the path that I have forged but there’s something a bit disingenuous for me to remain on the Board when I am no longer able to contribute in an honest way. I can no longer support the company in the way I want to. I am not able to be in the rehearsals and speak honestly to the work that is being done to those who can give financial assistance to the company to make it thrive, I can no longer attend performances and talk to the community firsthand about the work and ask them to donate what they can to the cause. I am well and truly out of the Toronto community, and this is a reality that I must face.

As a Board member it behoves us to be a disciple for the company that we represent. We trust that the artistic leadership will deliver works that inspire, educate and challenge us and we in turn must make sure that the company can not only maintain but thrive through sponsorship, representation and involvement.

I will always be a life-long disciple of Nova Dance. I was honoured to be on the production team of Svāhā! when it was in Vancouver and it reminded me of the “good old days” when I could be surrounded by Nova, Neenah and the amazingly talented team of dancers who literally put everything onstage each night.

I am grateful to have made lifelong friends with Nova whose energy, enthusiasm and passion for dance has made me a better person.

I know that our paths will cross again but for now I shall say goodbye to Zoom meetings from afar. I have nothing but great memories and wish the company every success in the world."

~ Giselle Clarke-Trenamann

Purawai Vyas